Our Labor

We are determined to invoke efforts that will provide each person the opportunity to prosper. We can achieve this if we slowly and carefully (strategize) everyday; Also with the help of millions of people around the world.

Our labor is empowered by the passion of our donors and volunteers who give their time. These 100’s enhanced the lives of others. Each day, our (help) volunteer donors are making a permanent difference in so many ways. It can and has helped a struggling mother upgrade from “a Bicycle to a Car”.


Volunteering with Women and Families Empowerment, you will join 100’s of people who are giving so people can advance. Using your experience and gift to bring about community change.

Relevant Sister/ Brotherhood Answers are in volunteers, This type of hands-on experience helps all that it comes in contact with.

National Volunteer Week, Make A Difference

Volunteering with ease/help make critical decisions as Board Memebers or Grant Persoannel. Medical personnels (Science Studies) offering their talent; implicating volunteering and good health connection.